The first time I heard this, I was so proud, so thankful and over the roof really. But the more I heard it, the more I realised I needed to consistently remind you wonderful women that everything you see in me is absolutely possible for you too.
One of the reasons I started The Curve Cult was mainly because I wanted fat women like me to be seen, to be represented and know that they aren't alone. Living in a fat body in a widely fatphobic world is tough and your struggles are completely valid. You get to be fat and be worthy of everything you desire in life and The Curve Cult will always always remind you of that.

While I realise that my journey in body and self acceptance looks different from yours and may seem inspirational, I want you to know that I started just like you as well. And till this day, I still have not so good body days or days that I really don't feel very great about myself and that's completely alright.
So this is a mini love note to all the amazing women who looked at me and thought that it's impossible to be confident. Because it is most definitely not. You can have all of this and so much more❤️❤️❤️